Busy Park Engagement
Hannah & Sang
Here are a few photos from a recent trip to Busy Park (in Richmond) with Hannah & Sang. Their wedding isn't until next April, but that doesn't mean that I can't start taking photos of them! I've visited this Royal Park a few times over the years and every time I do so, I end up wondering why I don't go there all the time. It really is a little haven away from all the traffic and noise of London (which is actually pretty close ). Not only do you get all that fantastic pond life, you get Deer too. Although we saw plenty of them leaping about, we couldn't quite manage to get one of them into a shot. Oh well, maybe they thought it was culling season! Perhaps they're still traumatised by Fenton? We had a great time exploring this awesome place, and came away with some nifty photos too!
Here's all that Bushy goodness...